Advertise on RHUL Studentpad

RHUL Studentpad’s private sector webservice, offers landlords a quick and cost effective method of advertising their property(ies) for let in and around Egham, Surrey.

The process is swift and easy:

Step 1: Register your details online
Step 2: Enter your property and advert details onlline
Step 3: Remit payment of your advertising fees

Scale of Charges

The cost of advertising properties on RHUL Studentpad is as follows (all prices are inclusive of VAT):

1 Rooms£ 69.00
2 Rooms£ 99.00
3 Rooms£ 115.00
4-6 Rooms£ 129.00
7-8 Rooms£ 149.00
9+ Rooms£ 179.00
Private Halls of ResidenceContact Studentpad
Highlighted Property£20 +VAT per month
Featured Property£65 +VAT per month
Letting Agent Unlimited PropertiesContact Studentpad

Please ensure your payments are appropriate to the number and type of properties advertised. Sending incorrect payment will result in a delay to your properties appearing on the website. Fees must be paid per property. Adverts cannot be made live on the website until the advertising fees have been received.

Your property will be advertised via RHUL Studentpad for 12 months from the start of the advertisement or until you advise us that the property has been let, whichever is the soonest. If the advert has been taken down because the property has been let, but a vacancy then arises, the advert can be put back onto the website, free of charge, until the initial 12 month period has passed. We reserve the right to remove adverts from the site after 3 months if we have been unable to ascertain from the landlord whether the property is still available.

Register Online

Click on the button below to register for your landlord account. You will then be able to log in straight away and proceed to step 2 - entering your property and advert details.

Click the button to register online, it’s quick and simple!

If you are unsure of how to add your properties to our control site, please watch this handy guide!

Contact Details

RHUL Studentpad

Address: Studentpad Limited
Unit 30, Brough Business Centre
Baffin Way
HU15 1YU

Please note that Advertising Terms & Conditions apply to any contract to advertise your property and that by completing and submitting your details, it will be deemed that you have read and accepted those conditions.